
How to Get Rid of Termites

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 How to Get Rid of Termites

Hello, I’m Lee. A few months ago, we noticed signs that we might have termites in our home. As you can imagine, I was really worried; however, after getting some advice from pest control companies, we were able to start tackling the problem. I was surprised at how many options we had to get rid of our existing termites and the decisions we had to make to prevent the problem from happening again. I learned more than I thought I’d ever need to know about termites and how to deal with them and I thought this knowledge might be useful for other homeowners who have similar problems. Hope it helps you get rid of your termites!


Should it Stay or Should it Go? Why the Wasp Nest Needs to Go

Finding a wasp nest on your property can be a scary thing. When a wild force of nature finds its way into your home, it can be very hard to know how to deal with this kind of threat without getting hurt yourself. The good news about finding wasps is that they don't actually pose a threat to your property. But wasp nests are still dangerous in other ways and should not just be left. Read More 

Simple Tips on Preventing Termite Infestation

Termites are highly destructive; therefore, you should protect your property against infestation. These pests are very proficient at gaining access into residential structures, and they feed primarily on wood. In addition, they live in colonies, so they can cause significant damage to your building within a short period. This will translate in sizable pest control charges as well as costly repairs. Here are some simple tips to mitigate the risk of termite invasion in your home. Read More 

Three Animals You May Need Pest Control Services To Remove

When you think about pest control services, you likely think of bug and insect removal. There are other animals that can become pests, especially if you have a garden or a large amount of property. These animals can be removed by a pest control professional; although, you may not think to call them at first. If you aren't sure what kinds of animals a pest control specialist can handle, here are a few to consider. Read More