
How to Get Rid of Termites

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 How to Get Rid of Termites

Hello, I’m Lee. A few months ago, we noticed signs that we might have termites in our home. As you can imagine, I was really worried; however, after getting some advice from pest control companies, we were able to start tackling the problem. I was surprised at how many options we had to get rid of our existing termites and the decisions we had to make to prevent the problem from happening again. I learned more than I thought I’d ever need to know about termites and how to deal with them and I thought this knowledge might be useful for other homeowners who have similar problems. Hope it helps you get rid of your termites!


How Rats Can Invade and Infest Your Home

If you are hearing the scratching in your walls and in your attic, you could have a rat infestation inside your home. Rats are bad news for homes because they cause damage to wiring and walls among many other things. Rats also spread disease through their urine and saliva. If you have rats in your home, remove them as soon as you can, before they wreak havoc.

Many homeowners are confused as to how rats have entered their seemingly rat-proof house. But rats can in fact invade your home via numerous channels and entry points.

Through the roof

Rats can gain access to your roof in numerous ways. For instance, if you have ivy or creepers growing on your walls, rats can scale that vegetation up to your roof. Rats can also climb up downspouts and reach your roof by traveling along nearby tree branches. Once on your roof, rats can then enter through missing tiles, gaps in the soffit and along the roof's edge.

If rats have gained access to your roof, your roof may soon begin to leak, since rats often gnaw their way through into attics.

Via cracks in walls and in the foundation

Rats, especially roof rats, are good climbers. So even if you have a crack somewhere high up on your wall, rats may be able to enter your home that way. If you see any cracks in your walls, no matter how high up, seal those cracks with steel wool or caulk to prevent rats from entering your home.

Through or around air vents

Because rats can climb well, the air vents in your home may also become access points for rats. Rats can squeeze through some air vents. They may even find a way through a gap around an air vent. Check your air vents for signs of rat activity, such as grease marks and rat droppings if you suspect rats may have entered that way.

Through drainpipes

Rats are excellent swimmers and they can hold their breath for a long time. This means that rats may even enter your home via the drainpipes that run into your home.

Using gaps around windows

A small gap beside a window can provide rats with access to your home. Rats are good at squeezing into small spaces, so be sure to seal any cracks that you find around your windows, no matter how small they may seem.

Rats are very persistent once they sense food inside a home. If rats have invaded your home through any of the aforementioned means, then you need to call in a pest controller to ensure that your rat problem is removed before it becomes a serious problem for you. Look into rat control services near you.